Chris's Story — weightloss

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon 2018

diet exercise health healthjourney marathon running weightloss wellness workout

Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon 2018

I would like to say that this was not easy and may be the hardest thing that I have ever finished.  I started by walking, then jogging a little bit, running a 5K then a 15K. After that I ran a half marathon and crazy enough set my sights on completing a full marathon. Thanks to diet, training and healthy supplements I was able to complete the course. 

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Chapter 4: Endurance

endurance exercise weightloss

Chapter 4: Endurance

When I started losing weight and getting healthy, my biggest struggle wasn’t a lack of strength or flexibility, it was a lack of endurance.  I could do cardio just not for very long.  I could lift weights just not a lot of reps.

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Chapter 3: Exercise

diet exercise healthjourney weightloss workout

Chapter 3: Exercise

Just about everyone at every age and at any health level can exercise. The type of exercise may differ. Exercise may mean running to one person and walking just a few more steps than the day before for another.

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“How to” from the Experts: Fitness & Exercise

diet exercise weightloss workout

“How to” from the Experts: Fitness & Exercise

The beauty of fitness and something that many fail to realize is that you can make fitness fit your life, your schedule and your needs. It doesn’t have to be the other way around. You want to know what the bets workout plan is? The one you can stick to and be consistent with.

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Chapter 2 : Diet

diet healthfood healthjourney supplements weightloss

Chapter 2 : Diet

I chose to do a low carb diet, not necessarily the Atkins or South Beach Diet, but one of my own creation. I started eating mainly lean meats, nuts, proteins and some fats. The hardest thing at first is that you are scared that you will eat and not get full. Think about it. You have trained your “fat self” to look at the amount of food you are about to eat and determine if it’s going to be enough, even before eating you know if it’s going to fill you up or not. So I suggest starting your diet with foods that you can still eat a large quantity of and still lose weight. 

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